Benefits of Technology in Early Childhood Education

Benefits of Technology in Early Childhood Education pdf

There is tremendous educational value in the use of ICT in ECE as what is learned supports further learning in a child’s educational career.

The following points give an accredited online workshop for preschool teachers a solid base to build your capacity as an early childhood teacher.


  • Young children live within a technological world and so begin their early learning with a degree of ICT capability and ICT literacy.
  • This give you excellent opportunity to build on these home experiences of ICT and plan for learning progression.
  • Children should find out about and identify the uses of ICT in their everyday lives.
  • Employing an ICT integrated approach would develop the notion with young children of ICT products as tools for learning.
  • The EYLF outcomes 4 and 5 require you to integrate ICT appropriately into learning and play.



Earlier, I wrote about why use ICT in early childhood education and care. You find the many reasons for it here in this pdf booklet about the benefits of technology in early childhood education.