How to build on a child's technology experiences today?

By Michael Hilkemeijer


In a technology-dominated society, young children enter your early childhood education and care centre or school with varying degrees of technology literacy. Quality preschool education is the key to equipping young children with the attributes and skills they need to not only thrive in life but also throughout their schooling career.


It is important to understand why preschool education is important in terms of technology integration in the curriculum. A child’s participation in an organised early childhood education learning experience can assist in the development of their skills and abilities with technology. It also helps them to become lifelong learners, develops their social skills, encourages the development of fine motor skills, it fosters language development, promotes creativity, and equips them to cope with problem-solving.


Continuous PD for early childhood teachers is a key requirement of the productive integration of ICT into the learning processes of young children in preschool, kindergarten, and early primary education. It is also a crucial element for the development of ICT capability in Early Childhood Education and Care.


Harness the potential of Technology in Early Childhood Education

This online PD for early childhood educators aims at supporting the development of ICT capability in early childhood education learning activities by delivering practical and immediately actionable advice on the best teaching strategies in early childhood.

"I really enjoyed this course! It was very informative and well researched.  It gave detailed descriptions regarding all areas outlined in the objectives.  The videos made the learning seem more interactive! The tasks were very beneficial and applicable to my future teaching practices!"

- Dominique

Supporting early childhood teachers in preschool, kindergarten and early primary is a significant process in the development of ICT capability in ECE and this online workshop facilitates their capabilities in ICT so that they can make good decisions about the use the of ICT with, or by, children. It will enable you to have a well-developed understanding of the role and potential of ICT for supporting young children’s learning.


Continue your educational path with us as you learn to make instructional decisions in the pedagogy of ICT and other information to do with effectively integrating ICT in ECE.


You will learn how to establish a starting point for a young child’s ICT learning so that you can build on it by employing research based teaching strategies in early childhood to harness the potential of technology in Early Childhood Education.  


Analyse the situation

I am going to show you a way to build on your knowledge by identifying strengths and addressing weaknesses in the learning of ICT integration so that you can decide what areas area priority to you.


Formative Assessment in Early Childhood

I will show you how I can give you the expertise you need to make informed decisions about planning for the progression of ICT capability in the Early Years curriculum you use.


Intentional Teaching Strategies in Early Childhood

I will show you how to employ instructional decisions in learning and digital play with confidence so that every child benefits from the technology outcomes of the curriculum.


Technology in STEM Education

I will show you how to incorporate technology creatively in projects by practicing inquiry-based learning in authentic and meaningful ICT activities.


Practice inclusion with ICT

I will show you how to ensure that every child learns from your guidance by implementing a universal design that will enable you to consider the key issues in a technology-rich learning environment.



Walk away from this online workshop with additional support for your professional learning such as:

   PD for early Childhood educators



This online PD for Eary Childhood teachers is FREE!

Every participant in this free PD for Early Childhood Educators receives a Certificate of Completion to add to their CPD records for Early Childhood teachers. 



Other PD for Preschool and Kindergarten teachers