Professional Development for Primary School Teachers
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"How to Integrate Technology in the Science Classroom?"
Course Aim
This online PD course for Primary teachers prepares teachers to plan, teach and assess technology integration in the science classroom. You will learn the expertise you need in order to successfully integrate technology in meaningful science learning activities by exploring strategies for assessing and teaching science with ICT. By gaining an understanding of the ICT potential in science education, you will be able to design lessons and lesson sequences that progress children's scientific thinking and technological understanding. Science and technological concepts related to the national Curriculum will be explored, along with theoretical and practical ICT pedagogical approaches that will develop the general capability ICT.
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Learning Outcomes
Understand how ICT can enhance science learning.
Apply evidence-based strategies to integrate technology in the classroom.
Embed formative assessment strategies that will enable you to effectively plan for science learning progression and student ICT capability.
Develop well-structured learning activities in the context of science and ICT capability.
Analyse the situation to plan for effective teaching of science with technology.
Build on your own ICT competency and confidence.
Learn from real-world, authentic technology integration experiences.
Examine opportunities for cross-curricular use of ICT.